
22 March, 2017

Our standard 3 children visited Bahurutse Cultural village on 22 March 2017. Upon arrival, they were ushered to the Kgotla amid singing and ululations, after which they were narrated traditional stories by the elders. They made Phaphata on the fire, moulded clay soil to make clay pots, pounded sorghum and enjoyed a donkey cart ride to a nearby cattle post, where they saw and fed various domesticated animals and birds.   They were also encouraged to enact the Dikgafela, a traditional Batswana ceremony that is conducted to thank the divinity for a fruitful harvest, with the help of their hosts. The programme ended with a series of fun-filled traditional games.

Standard 4 and Reception classes visited Mokolodi Nature Reserve from 31st May to 7th June 2017. The trips began with an introduction to the game reserve followed by a tour of the reserve's caged animals where the children viewed tortoises, vultures, owls and a variety of snakes. They then embarked on the two hour game drive, watching and spotting impalas, warthogs, water bucks, cat fish, rhinos, hippos, crocodiles and cheetahs.  The visits ended with delicious lunches.